Saturday, April 25


Man-haters get a lot of hate. People say, "There is something wrong with you if you seriously dislike whole groups of people. You need help."

I disagree.

I have found that men who hate women actually hate themselves. They are still angry at their mothers and probably some other woman they feel mistreated them. Which means they didn't get what they wanted from her. And, so, since she didn't give him what he wanted, he takes it out on all women. He's abusive and pathetic. Intolerable.

Women who hate men, though? It's more of a "Can you blame them?" type of thing. Look at what men have done to women through time. Look at what they continue to do to us: rape, murder, abuse, stone, sell, etc. So many women have problems because our entire society teaches us that we are worth less than men, we should take care of them, we should be more patient with them, we are the reason they're so fucked up when they're fucked up, we control everything, and the list goes on.

I'm sorry, but it's arguably practical to despise men, in general. As a group, they suck. Worldwide. They use, abuse, destroy, throw away. And, on top of that, they want to run everything. If we disagree with them, we are hormonal. If we want to stand up for ourselves, we're entertaining. If we want to make money off our bodies instead of only allowing men to do so, we are full of self-hate and the products of abuse. We fucking can't win!

They say all men are not the same, but I've yet to meet an exception. Every man I've ever known tolerates, accepts, and promotes sexism and misogyny on some level.

And, I just don't have a use for that in my life. Call it man-hating if you must.

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