Wednesday, April 29

this pisses me smooth the fuck off

The police went to a house due to a domestic disturbance. A woman's boyfriend apparently attacked her, but when the police got there, all they cared about was the fact that she was breastfeeding her 6-week-old while intoxicated. So, they arrested her.

That's right. They arrested her for BWI (Breastfeeding While Intoxicated). Um, this is NOT illegal, dumbasses. This shit better get thrown out of court.

You have a moral objection to a woman nursing while intoxicated? Fine. But, guess what? If your 6-week-old is hungry and you don't have formula and you're drunk, how the fuck are you supposed to get to the store and buy formula? You're supposed to get a DWI instead of BWI (which, btw, doesn't even exist!)?

It's not like she could send her boyfriend. He'd just finished attacking her!

Example 3704634073 of how patriarchy sucks. And, I'm sorry but if the way the police reacted makes sense to you, you are part of the problem and an idiot.

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