Sunday, April 26

what way to peace?

I am not a pacifist. If anything, I consider myself a revolucionaria. I understand the need for pacifists. They offer contrast, they offer a different way of looking at things. The way I see life is that we are at war, whether we're conscious of it or not. As a black American woman, I am at war on several fronts and I will not sit down on the job.

There is always the issue of peace. If one believes one is perpetually at war, what does one think about peace? Is it attainable? Is it something worth concerning one's self?

I think peace is a wonderful idea. I think it probably starts from within and I think it's easier to achieve internal peace once one feels externally safe. I feel like there are definite "forces of evil" in the world and they are active and need to be dealt with, so while peace-mongering is a wonderful way to spend one's time, I think one should simultaneously spread the message of peace and self-preservation.

As I live my life, I see that my perceptions are under constant attack. We live in an abusive society and many (most?) of us take on the traits of the abuser while residing in the status of victim. I am not entirely convinced this natural tendency is an inherently bad one. I think self-defense is necessary and when someone attacks you, you have the right and responsibility to fight back. If you don't want to, that is your choice. I respect your right to make that choice, but I don't necessarily respect the choice.

Perhaps that is because I am a product of my war-ridden society. I'm not sure. Most of the time, I'm not sure it matters. Since we all die, we may as well die fighting for what we believe in.

Peace will come when it's time for it. Right now, I've got fighting to do.

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